
Maryland Printable Free Sick Leave Law Posters Maryland Earned Sick and Paid Leave Notice Mandatory

The Maryland Earned Sick and Paid Leave Notice is a Maryland sick leave law poster provided for businesses by the Maryland Department Of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. This is a required poster for all Maryland employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

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The Maryland Healthy Working Families Act requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide paid 
sick and safe leave for certain employees. It also requires that employers who employ 14 or fewer employees 
provide unpaid sick and safe leave for cert	ain employees.	 	
Earned sick and safe leave begins to accrue on February 11, 2018, or the date on which an employee begins 
employment with the employer, whichever is later. An employee accrues earned sick and safe leave at a rate of 
at least one hour	 for every 30 hours the employee works; however, an employee is not entitled to earn more 	
than 40 hours of earned sick and safe leave in a year or accrue more than 64 hours of earned sick and safe leave 
at any time.	 	
Leave Usage	 	
An employee is allowed to us	e earned sick and safe leave under the following conditions:	 	
 	To care for or treat the employee’s mental or physical illness, injury, or	 condition;	 	
 	To obtain preventative medical care for the employee or the employee’s family	 member;	 	
 	To care for a family me	mber with a mental or physical illness, injury, or	 condition;	 	
 	For maternity or paternity leave;	 or	 	
 	The absence from work is necessary due to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking committed 
against the employee or the employee’s family member and t	he leave is being used: (1) to obtain 	
medical or mental health attention; (2) to obtain services from a victim services organization; (3) for 
legal services or proceedings; or (4) because the employee has temporarily relocated as a result of the 
domestic v	iolence, sexual assault, or	 stalking.	 	
A family member includes a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, the legal guardian or 
ward of the employee or the employee's spouse, or an individual who acted as a parent or stood in loco 
parentis 	to the employee or the employee’s spouse when the employee or the employee’s spouse was a minor.	 	
Employees are permitted to use earned sick and safe leave in increments in certain amounts established by 
their employer. Employees are required to give notice	 of the need to use earned sick and safe leave when it is 	
foreseeable. An employer may deny leave in certain circumstances.	 	
Employers are required to provide employees with a written statement of the employee’s available earned 
sick and safe leav	e. 	
An employer is prohibited under the law from taking adverse action against an employee who exercises a 
right under the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act and an employee is prohibited from making a 
complaint, bringing an action, or testi	fying in an action in bad faith.	 	
How to File a Complaint or Obtain Additional Information	 	
If you feel your rights have been violated under this law or you would like additional information, you may 
Commissioner 	of Labor and 	Industry	 	
                                      	10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160 	- Hunt Valley	, MD 	21031	 	
[email protected]

La Ley de Familias Trabajadoras Saludables de Maryland requiere que los empleadores con 15 o más 
empleados brinden licen	cia de enfermedad y seguro para ciertos empleados. También requiere que los 	
empleadores que emplean a 14 o menos empleados brinden licencias no remuneradas por enfermedad y seguro 
para ciertos empleados.	 	
El permiso de enfermedad y seguro comien	za a acumularse desde 11 de febrero de 2018 o la fecha en que un 	
empleado comienza a trabajar para el empleador. Un empleado acumula un permiso de enfermedad y seguro a 
una tasa de una hora por cada 30 horas de trabajo. Un empleado tiene derecho a ganar un	 máximo de 40 horas 	
de licencia de enfermedad y seguro en un año. Lo máximo que un empleado puede acumular es un total de 64 
horas de licencia de enfermedad y seguro.	 	
Uso de Licencia	 	
Un empleado puede usar la licencia de enfermedad y seguro acumulada bajo 	las siguientes condiciones:	 	
 	Para cuidar o tratar la enfermedad, lesión o condición mental o física del	 empleado;	 	
 	Para obtener atención médica preventiva para el empleado o miembro de la familia del	 empleado;	 	
 	Para cuidar a un miembro de la familia con una e	nfermedad, lesión o condición mental o	 física;	 	
 	Por licencia de maternidad o paternidad;	 o 	
 	La ausencia del trabajo es necesaria debido a violencia doméstica, agresión sexual o acoso cometido 
contra el empleado o el miembro de la familia del empleado y el pe	rmiso se usa: (1) para obtener 	
atención	 médica	 o de	 salud	 mental;	 (2)	 para	 obtener	 servicios	 de	 una	 organización	 de	 servicios	 para 	
víctimas; (3) para servicios o procedimientos legales; o (4) porque el empleado se ha mudado 
temporalmente como resultado de 	la violencia doméstica, la agresión sexual o el	 acoso.	 	
Un miembro de la familia incluye un cónyuge, hijos, padres, abuelos, nietos o hermanos el guardián legal o 
tutor de un empleado o del cónyuge del empleado, o un individuo que actúa como padre o madre, 	o que quedó 	
en loco parentis del empleado o de su cónyuge cuando el empleado o el cónyuge del empleado eran menores 
de	 edad.	 	
A  los  empleados  se  les  permite  usar  la  licencia  de  enfermedad  y  seguro  acumulada  en  incrementos  
establecidos por su empleador. Se 	requiere que los empleados notifiquen la necesidad de utilizar la licencia de 	
enfermedad  y  seguro  ganadas  cuando  sea  previsible.  Un  empleador  puede  negar  la  licencia  bajo  ciertas 
Se requiere que los empleadores proporcionen a los e	mpleados por escrito el balance de las horas de licencia 	
de enfermedad y seguro disponible al empleado.	 	
La ley prohíbe a un empleador emprender acciones adversas contra un empleado que ejerce su derecho 
conforme a la Ley de Familias Trabajado	ras Saludables de Maryland y se le prohíbe a un empleado presentar 	
una queja, iniciar una acción o testificar en una acción de mala fe.	 	
Cómo Presentar una Queja u Obtener Información Adicional	 	
Si considera que se han violado sus derechos según esta ley o 	si desea obtener información adicional, puede 	
comunicarse con:	 	
Com	isionado de Trabajo e Industria	 	
1094	6 Golden West Drive 	– Suite 160	 | Hunt Valley	, MD 	21031	 	rev. 	2/22

Get a Maryland all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Maryland and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Maryland and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for October 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Maryland Labor Law Posters 25 PDFS provides an additional 24 required and optional Maryland labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Maryland Poster Name Poster Type
Required Thawing Method Guidelines Food Service
Required DLLR/OUI 328 to Employees Unemployment Law
Required Maryland Earned Sick and Paid Leave Notice Sick Leave Law
Required Maryland Minimum Wage and Overtime Law Minimum Wage Law
Required DLLR PUB/OUI 6116 Health Insurance Law

List of all 25 Maryland labor law posters

Maryland Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Maryland labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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