
Arkansas Printable Free Food Service Posters Arkansas No Bare-Hand Contact - Glove Use Poster

The No Bare-Hand Contact - Glove Use is an Arkansas food service poster provided for businesses by the Arkansas Department Of Labor. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor.

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No	 Bar	e	-Hand	 Cont	a	ct	 	
Food wo	rkers 	can spr	ead foodbo	rne	 illness in 	the	 food	 service environme	nt wh	en their	 hands	 come 	into cont	ac	t 	
with  patho	gens	 from 	their  g	astroin	testinal tracts, 	food  and  other  objects  cont	aminat	ed  wi	th  p	athogens.  Those	 	
pathogens 	can be	 sprea	d by bare-hand 	cont	act wi	th fo	od. 	  	
The	 Arkansas	 Food 	Regulation	 (3-301.11)	 pro	hibits  ba	re-hand 	conta	ct  wi	th 	
rea	dy-to-ea	t  foods,  or	 those	 foods  th	at  do  not	 require	 any more pr	eparation 	
before they 	are rea	dy to 	eat.    This  in	cludes 	raw, 	washed	 and	 cut  f	ruits  and	 	
vegetabl	es, and foods th	at r	equire	 no	 additional 	cookin	g. 	
To p	revent b	are-hand 	conta	ct, food s	ervi	ce wo	rkers m	ay use: 	
Bar	e-hand 	contact wi	th re	ady- 	
to-eat 	food is prohibi	ted. 	
Deli tissue	 	
Ton	gs Forks	 	
Disp	ensing	 equip	ment 	
Single-use	 gloves	 	
G	uideli	nes	 for	 Singl	e-Use	 G	lo	ves 	
Good h	andw	ashi	ng prac	tices mu	st s	till be 	follow	ed, 	even wh	en usi	ng single-use	 gloves. 	
W	ash h	ands b	efo	re put	ting	 on	 gloves.	 	
Put 	gloves on on	ly wh	en you are rea	dy to hand	le rea	dy-to-ea	t food. 	
Use	 gloves 	for on	ly one	 task, such 	as rea	dy-to-ea	t foods, 	then disc	ard.	 	
If you 	are interrup	ted d	uring	 food p	reparation, r	emove	 your gloves.  	Use	 clean gloves wh	en you 	
resume 	food p	reparation.	 	
Dispose of	 gloves 	as so	on as th	ey are remove	d. 	
Single-use	 gloves should	 not be us	ed around	 hea	t or hot f	ats.	 	
Glov	es a	re su	sce	ptible to	 contamination,	 so th	row th	em a	way when th	ey are soi	led or 	da	maged. 	
Fa	bric 	or re-use	able gloves m	ay not be us	ed with 	rea	dy-to-ea	t food.	 	
Single use	 gloves ma	de of no	n-lat	ex mat	erials a	re recom	mend	ed.

Get an Arkansas all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Arkansas and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Arkansas and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for October 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Arkansas Labor Law Posters 6 PDFS provides an additional five required and optional Arkansas labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Arkansas Poster Name Poster Type
Required Workers’ Compensation Notice and Instructions to Employers and Employees (Form P) Workers Compensation Law
Required No Bare-Hand Contact - Glove Use Food Service
Required Employee Reporting Requirements & Handwashing Food Service
Required Public Employees Chemical Right to Know Act Job Safety Law
Required Human Trafficking Poster (Bilingual) Human Trafficking Law

List of all 6 Arkansas labor law posters

Arkansas Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Arkansas labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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